Knowing that being Moderator/Vice-Moderator will require a great deal of time and energy from you and your community, why give in this way to the Presbyterian Church (USA)?
I believe God has called me to stand. I am blessed with a supportive family and congregation that see themselves as part of that calling. When I shared with the church elders, deacons, and staff, their first responses were about how they could fill in and carry on. For years, we have sought to be faithful with a little and have seen God open doors and call us (all) further out in service and witness. I am humbled by the confirmation of these dear ones around me as well as by the enthusiastic support of my presbytery.
Part of the ‘why’ also has to do with timing, gifting, and passion. I believe the PCUSA faces challenges and opportunities unique to this time and culture and that God has gifted, called, and impassioned me for those challenges and opportunities. For a number of years I have been working in my congregation and presbytery to draw our attention to the world God loves, and have found that to be a unifying and compelling vision. I understand that vision not to be the latest fad or plan, but the very heart of evangelism, witness, mission, and justice. I joyfully and passionately find myself running after Christ and, with others, being the Church in the world.
I believe we must lift our eyes and hearts beyond our walls and remember our first love and call to be winsome witnesses to the grace and mercy of God in and among the world God loves, and endeavor to encourage, inspire, equip, and accompany all I minister among in that journey.
If someone were to ask you, “Why should I bother going to church?” how would you respond?
I believe that all kinds of people (not just church-types or “Christians”) are interested in connecting with God. I think it’s something built into us, to long for something and someone much bigger and more lasting than ourselves. I’d like to invite you to come try church with me because I believe that you will find connection with God. I’m not saying that because we have the corner on truth, because we’re Presbyterians or because we teach some special brand of Christianity. I say that because I believe God wants to connect with you. The whole God-thing isn’t about being good, creating a good philosophy or religion, or attending a church obsessively. If the God described in the Bible is true, then God is not waiting around for us or hiding from us, but IS seeking us out in love.
At the church I am a part of we believe the Bible is God’s love-letter to the world and we get together to seek God around that message. And you know what? God shows up. It’s not mystical or spooky; there are no sparks or screaming people; there is no giant voice from the sky. But if you asked just about anyone who comes to our church, God is here. It’s a very special place full of very special people. We aren’t perfect – far from it. But we are all seeking the same thing – connection with a God whose story is one of loving and coming to us… all the way down to where we are. Look around some more… think about it… take a chance… come see us.
Check out some more thoughts here:
Choose one item of business or issue that will be coming up at General Assembly and share your perspective.
For sure there will be “hotter” issues coming before the General Assembly this summer, but I believe the most significant one will be the future unity and witness of the PCUSA.
Our institution is aging and showing it. We must be willing to flex, adapt, and learn. I commend the mid-council commission report as a START in this direction. I also commend the conversations among the NEXT conference and the Fellowship as twin stirrings about where the church could head. In each case, there is risk of being side-tracked.
Our community is fractured. We must graciously… graciously… seek healing or release-with-blessing. I’ve helped author dismissal policies that seek either outcome, with our public witness to Christ as paramount. I urge the church to choose this route and not a more destructive path. We cannot afford to cling, fight, or curse one another in this fractured state.
Our debate is polarized. I have modeled and will hold out theological friendships as an example of a way forward in Christ. Interestingly, my conversations in those contexts range deeper and wider than any pronouncements ever made at a microphone. In our efforts to boldly profess our Christian convictions, we too often exhibit far from Christ-like behavior. We can do better; we must do better.
The Church is not our own; may we be reminded of Whose we are and there find grace and vision for the future.
What are a few things that most people would never guess about you: interests, adventures or...?
I am a life-long musician (since age 4), but a kind of strange one. I’m not a performer. I CAN perform, but it’s not what fuels me. I like creating and I like helping others create. My dad taught me the “Boogie-Woogie” and how to improvise, and fourteen years of classical lessons and improvising in rock and jazz bands later, I went to Nashville as a session musician, learning to generate any style of music on demand. Along the way I picked up guitar, drums, bass, and audio engineering, and… a call to ministry. It’s made for an interesting mix and much soul and church-searching to find the right mix of ministry. But as much fun as music and recording and Nashville were, seminary and pastoral ministry were even better.
So, I’ve found two primary fits for music and ministry. One is in worship music. One of the biggest challenges in worship music (whether choral, praise team, instrumental, or in-between) is the struggle to turn the focus away from self. As one who is not a performer, writing and leading worship music has been a perfect fit because my very task is to direct people’s attention and worship Godward. Secondly, I’ve been able to use my gifts and resources to help younger (and sometimes older) amateur musicians record or flesh out musical ideas in a way that hopefully encourages and blesses them and those to whom they minister. Our congregation has turned into quite a creative hub as musical, then visual and dramatic arts have flourished.
WILD CARD: Answer any question you want, one that someone has yet to ask or choose from some that have been asked here:
Claire Worthington asked specifically how I voted on NC Amendment 1. What is more pertinent to the PCUSA General Assembly is WHY I voted as I did.
NC Amendment 1 was not just about banning same-sex marriage, but defined marriage in the civil sphere and declared “marriage between one man and one woman the only domestic legal union that shall be valid or recognized in this state.” Public debate was heated, simplistic, and often unhelpful.
I’ve appealed for better communication for the sake of community here:
This summer the PCUSA will be asked about a Christian definition of marriage. I do believe Christian marriage to be correctly defined as one man and one woman, covenanting before God and the church.
However, with NC Amendment 1 voters were asked how the STATE should view marriage and domestic union. I do not believe that the civil definition of all “domestic legal unions” must or should be restricted to that of one religious perspective. Further, I do think Christians have an obligation to bear witness to God through generosity and kindness in the public sphere rather than through imposition of Christian belief. To curtail legal and civil benefits to my neighbors for the sake of asserting a Christian definition of marriage was something I was not willing to do. Moreover, I am willing to explore supporting legal and civil benefits for my neighbors, recognizing that there is a difference between the spheres of church and state. I voted against the NC amendment.
Other Candidates respond:
Randy Branson * Sue Krummel * Neal Presa